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cardiomyogenesis in humans

Differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells into spontaneously beating heart cells 

Human Heart Development in a Dish

One aspect of our research utilizes embryonic (hESC) and induced (hiPSC) pluripotent stem cell models of human cardiogenesis to understand the molecular and cellular mechanisms of cardiomyocyte and cardiac neural crest cell development, and their potential role in cardiac regenerative medicine. 

x-gal staining revealing expression of a LacZ reporter gene in the outflow tract of a neonatal mouse heart. LacZ expression is tied to the expression of a master cardiac transcription factor.

postnatal heart growth and regeneration

Regenerative Biology of Cardiomyocytes

Some species, such as zebrafish and urodele amphibians, are capable of generating and regenerating heart muscle cells throughout their adult life. Mammals on the other hand lose this capacity shortly after birth. This makes humans particularly vulnerable to heart disease, as it blunts our ability to replace damaged heart muscle cells with healthy ones in response to disease (i.e. heart attack). We are employing mouse genetics to understand the mechanisms that limit adult cardiomyocyte regeneration in mammals and how to potentially reverse this therapeutically.

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